The Escapades of My Mind On Literature
     The article, "On Teaching Oedipus Rex: A Compromise Interpretation," by Dr. James J. Pallante discusses many aspects of Sophocles and his play Oedipus Rex. Dr. Pallante views Sophocles as being a difficult person to fully understand due to lack of historical documents and lack of other resources about his past. The poor condition of his works also contributed to the mystery surrounding this ancient author. Dr. Pallante brings to attention two arguments about Oedipus Rex; that Sophocles was urging man to humility and piety in the face of irrationally evil gods; or that morality wasn't important for Sophocles in this play. He then takes a middle road, stating that Oedipus Rex is about the insufficiency of human knowledge. Dr. Pallante shows a side where the gods only reveal what has already happened and played no part in the actions of the characters. According to this compromised view, both morality and divine influence played greatly. He shows points that the gods view a future that mortals are headed for yet they refuse to play a part in.